Salone 2024, DORSUM® Expands Its Presence
At the Salone del Mobile di Milano 2024, DORSUM® made a significant impact by collaborating with numerous manufacturers and brands to enhance their booths with custom decorative elements. Leveraging its DORSUM® Wd, Gs and Colorprocesses, the company created a series of unique components in glass and MDF, resulting in innovative and highly distinctive solutions.
The DORSUM® Wdprocess, renowned for its ability to produce precise, well-defined reliefs on wood surfaces, was used to customize panels and furniture elements, adding an exclusive touch to each product. DORSUM® Gsenabled the creation of elegant and refined surfaces featuring durable relief designs, ready for painting. Meanwhile, the DORSUM® Color process enriched surfaces with custom colors, complemented by a transparent protective finish that highlights the relief’s beauty and ensures long-lasting durability.
Every element on display showcased the versatility and superior quality of DORSUM®, che si adatta perfettamente a diverse esigenze progettuali e stilistiche. I visitatori del Salone hanno potuto apprezzare non solo l’estetica, ma anche la funzionalità e l’innovazione che questi processi portano nel mondo dell’arredamento, trasformando superfici comuni in veri e propri pezzi unici di design.
DORSUM® continua a essere un punto di riferimento per la personalizzazione di arredi e superfici in vari ambiti, dall’arredamento residenziale al contract, passando per il design navale, proponendo soluzioni che combinano estetica, tecnologia e sostenibilità. Al Salone di Milano, la presenza di DORSUM® reaffirmed its commitment to innovation and creating unique experiences for industry professionals and their clients.